Our exhibitions are designed to present strong,
unique and creative art from many different cultures.
Catastrophe and the
Power of Art
This exhibition responded to many voices which we heard at the first venue of the preceding exhibit “We Live Here Now 2016” Adding many new art works, we have held this exhibit in Hiroshima, 70 years after the nuclear bomb attack, and Kobe, 22 years after the Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake.

To “Make” is to “Live.”
We Live Here Now 2017
This exhibition responded to many voices which we heard at the first venue of the preceding exhibit “We Live Here Now 2016” Adding many new art works, we have held this exhibit in Hiroshima, 70 years after the nuclear bomb attack, and Kobe, 22 years after the Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake. During this exhibit, another great earthquake hit Kumamoto; therefore, it was quickly decided that we’d hold this exhibit in Kumamoto as well. This was one of the “Reconstruction of Heart” projects in 2016, sponsored by the Reconstruction Agency of the Japanese Government.

We Live Here Now
震災復興応援プロジェクト「ARTS for HOPE」の活動から生まれた作品や人々のメッセージ、ポートレートを通して、被災地の“今”を伝える展覧会。「忘れないで」という被災地の声に応え、東北6都市と東京の全7会場を巡回した。
This is the exhibit to let people know about the “now” of the devastated area, via messages and portraits which were gathered through the project “Arts for Hope.” Responding to the victims’ “Don’t forget,” this exhibit was held in six cities in Tohoku and Tokyo. This was one of the “Reconstruction of Heart” projects which were initiated by the Reconstruction Agency.
Ikiru wo Kagayakasu
重度心身障がいの人々へ創作とコミュニケーションの時間をはこぶ『Happy Art Project』。その創作の日々を記録した写真とともに、人々との関りの中で紡いだ言葉を紹介した展覧会。「障がいの有無ではなく、今の時代と共に生きる同胞として、そのいとおしい“命の存在”を伝えたい。」と企画。目が向けられない重度障がいの人々への理解を促したいと、”配る展覧会”を制作し、全国に2万部を配布した。
This exhibition responded to many voices which we heard at the first venue of the preceding exhibit “We Live Here Now 2016” Adding many new art works, we have held this exhibit in Hiroshima, 70 years after the nuclear bomb attack, and Kobe, 22 years after the Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake.

Art for Life :Earthquake
“Legend of Tomorrow” Exhibit
When devastating disaster such as recent earthquakes occur, what can art do when people are suffering with sadness and grief? After 5 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake, we have held an exhibit which shows art products which were made by the people and artists who were hit by the Quake, together with the famous art piece by Taro Okamoto. This was a part of the “Reconstruction of Heart” project which was initiated by the Reconstruction Agency in 2016.

【出展/exhibited artworks as an artist】
How grate human beings are, creating something out of nothing!
Exhibits the challenges of art projects for the better society.
Catastrophe and the
Power of Art
The exhibition “Catastrophe and the Power of Art” was held to show how art deals with the major catastrophes that strike communities, and we were part of them.Selected as one of 40 artist in the world, we exhibited the major art projects and passion for the activities after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011.
To “Make” is to “Live.”
We Live Here Now 2017
This exhibition responded to many voices which we heard at the first venue of the preceding exhibit “We Live Here Now 2016” Adding many new art works, we have held this exhibit in Hiroshima, 70 years after the nuclear bomb attack, and Kobe, 22 years after the Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake. During this exhibit, another great earthquake hit Kumamoto; therefore, it was quickly decided that we’d hold this exhibit in Kumamoto as well. This was one of the “Reconstruction of Heart” projects in 2016, sponsored by the Reconstruction Agency of the Japanese Government.
We Live Here Now
震災復興応援プロジェクト「ARTS for HOPE」の活動から生まれた作品や人々のメッセージ、ポートレートを通して、被災地の“今”を伝える展覧会。「忘れないで」という被災地の声に応え、東北6都市と東京の全7会場を巡回した。
This is the exhibit to let people know about the “now” of the devastated area, via messages and portraits which were gathered through the project “Arts for Hope.” Responding to the victims’ “Don’t forget,” this exhibit was held in six cities in Tohoku and Tokyo. This was one of the “Reconstruction of Heart” projects which were initiated by the Reconstruction Agency.
重度心身障がいの人々へ創作とコミュニケーションの時間をはこぶ『Happy Art Project』。その創作の日々を記録した写真とともに、人々との関りの中で紡いだ言葉を紹介した展覧会。「障がいの有無ではなく、今の時代と共に生きる同胞として、そのいとおしい“命の存在”を伝えたい。」と企画。目が向けられない重度障がいの人々への理解を促したいと、”配る展覧会”を制作し、全国に2万部を配布した。
This exhibition responded to many voices which we heard at the first venue of the preceding exhibit “We Live Here Now 2016” Adding many new art works, we have held this exhibit in Hiroshima, 70 years after the nuclear bomb attack, and Kobe, 22 years after the Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake.
Art for Life :Earthquake
“Legend of Tomorrow” Exhibit
When devastating disaster such as recent earthquakes occur, what can art do when people are suffering with sadness and grief? After 5 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake, we have held an exhibit which shows art products which were made by the people and artists who were hit by the Quake, together with the famous art piece by Taro Okamoto. This was a part of the “Reconstruction of Heart” project which was initiated by the Reconstruction Agency in 2016.

人間の多様性と芸術の融和を目指す東京藝術大学主催のイベント「藝大アーツ・スペシャル 障がいとアーツ」。障がいを持つ子どもたちと制作した絵画やオブジェが会場のホワイエに展示された。

ユニバーサルデザイン、多様性社会への取り組みを紹介する電通主催のイベント「DDL WEEK」。会期中、会場エントランスに<ARTS for HOPE>の活動で子どもたちと制作した作品が展示された。

大きな津波を経験したタイと日本における復興のあり方を、学術とアートの両面から見つめ直す、国際基督教大学による企画展。<ARTS for HOPE>の活動で子どもたちと制作した作品が展示された