
準グランプリ受賞など、 20年にわたり多彩な創作活動を続けた才能あふれるアーティストでした。 アニメーション、映像、絵画、人形など、優しくユーモラスな彼女の作品400点以上を展示しました。
A retrospective exhibition of Harumi Ichinose (Haru-chan), who died of cancer in 2005. In her twenty years of artistic activities, Harumi showed her multi-talented creativity, which included a riverside screening of her experimental animations. Among her many impressive accomplishments, she won second prize at the Osamu Tezuka Animation Competition. More than 400 of her works were exhibited, including animations, videos, drawings, and dolls, all of which reflect Harumi’s gentle and humorous nature.
会 期: 2007年4月18日~4月23日
会 場: ギャラリーきらり
主 催: 一瀬晴美回顧展実行委員会 (Wonder Art Production)
■Artist Who Became an Engel; Delightful Foot-prints of Haru-chan
Period: 2007.4.18-4.23
Venue: Gallery Kirari
Organized by:Harumi Ichise Retrospective Executive Committee(Wonder Art Production)